
What is the Embassy/Consulate 合法化 Process?

Whether you are getting married in Malaysia, 在巴巴多斯定居, or seeking employment in Egypt; you must have the correct documentation to begin the proceedings.

When presenting your documents to another country, you need a form of authentication that verifies your papers are a true copy of the original. T在这里 are two ways to prove this validation:

The Hague Convention of 1961 established a uniform process of authenticity. Countries belonging to this convention accept papers that are 旁注 to show they are valid copies of the original document.

For the countries that are not members of the Hague Convention, legalized documents are required to be processed through the Embassy or Consulate. This process confirms the stamps, signatures, and seals have been evaluated and authenticated.

If you are unsure which verification the country you are visiting requires, visit our webpage 在这里 to determine if your documentation needs an 旁注 or Embassy/Consulate 合法化.

No matter the country, we can successfully authenticate your papers. 提交你的 订单 today and let us quickly and professionally process the proper paperwork for you.

How does a document become legalized through the Embassy/Consulate?

Papers issued by the state require a different certification process than federally issued documents.

State-issued papers must first seek State certification then U.S. Department of State certification, and finally Embassy/Consulate legalization.

Here are some examples of personal and business documents processed through the issuing State Secretary’s Office:

  • 出生证明
  • 结婚证书
  • 驾照
  • 死亡证明
  • 遗嘱
  • 离婚法令
  • 公司章程
  • 银行对账单
  • 授权书
  • 其他单证

*Please Note – this is not an all-inclusive list. 澳门线上最大十大赌厅 to inquire as to which department can authenticate your documents.

On the other hand, documents issued by the U.S. Federal Government must first be processed through the U.S. 位于华盛顿特区的国务院.C., and then the papers are to be delivered to the Embassy or Consulate office for legalization.

Here are some examples of federally issued documents:

  • 联邦调查局的报告
  • 联邦调查局背景调查
  • 社会保障信
  • 海外出生证明
  • 入籍证书
  • 其他单证

*Please Note – this is not an all-inclusive list. 澳门线上最大十大赌厅 to inquire as to which department can authenticate your documents.

In addition to this, some countries will also request a copy of your U.S. Passport, driver’s license, or any other documentation they deem necessary. Many countries also require your paperwork be translated into their language, adding yet another step in this procedure.

The strict process of legalizing your documents through the correct Embassy or Consulate can be complicated. If you have any pieces missing or incorrect, the entire process may be delayed or even rejected. 今天就填写我们的订单, and we will handle your paperwork as well as your translation quickly and accurately.

Let One Source Process handle the details for you

Having your document verified as a true copy of the original is too important of a task to try to navigate on your own. 在一个源过程, 我们知道需要什么文件, 在哪个部门工作, and how to maneuver the red tape with ease.

澳门线上最大十大赌厅 today if you have questions about the Embassy/Consulate legalization process, 或填写我们的 订单 如果你准备好开始了.

Do not allow a small infraction delay the entire process; we will correctly obtain a certified copy of your documents the first time.

2019年1月25日 布兰登Yoshimura


  1. 乔治

    Hello: I need to submit USA probate documents to a Spanish speaking country. Will the translation be a separate document with a copy of the source document attached or would it be a single document that includes the original document and the translation included?

    我希望我说得很清楚. I was just wondering how translations are presented to a consulate for legalization.



    1. 丹尼


      Yes, the translation will be a separate document. It will include your document as well as the apostille page which comes attached to your document. Please send us your request by going to Our specialists will review your document to make sure it’s valid for apostille and they will let you know the available processing times and costs.


  2. 布鲁斯灯笼裤

    Hello, My wife needs to get a residence permit in China, w在这里 we now are living. Before we can have it certified by the Chinese counsulate, I understand it needs to be authenticated by NY City or State. 这有点令人困惑.We have a certificate that was issued by the NY City Clerk in 1984 and signed and certified. Would you advise us on what the next steps are? 谢谢你!!

    1. 丹尼


      我们当然可以提供帮助. Please send us your request by going to Our specialists will review your documents to make sure they’re valid for apostille/legalization and they will let you know the process required, available processing times and costs.



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